
The Morning Drive Episode 3 – Setting Up Your Week For Success

December 29, 2018

Brandcasting You



Morning Drive – Starting Week off on the Right Note Investing

Good morning everybody, Chris Seveney from 7E Investments and The Good Deeds Note Investing Podcast here on the morning drive. It is Monday, December 3rd. Hope you’re doing well today. Today with it being Monday is how to start off your week on a good note or how to get organized and talk about the way I do it for my note investing business.

And I’m definitely interested in the way how other people stay organized throughout the week. But for me, I typically start on Sunday evenings and what I’ll do is I will go through my inbox and bring it down to inbox zero. And what that means is I go through every email and sort them. Doesn’t mean I respond or answer to it, but what I do is I use a chrome extension called the Yanado, which allows me to put emails in different buckets and allows me to put emails and things like invoices and invoices I need to pay.

By using Yanado as part of my note investing business, I do not keep a separate to do list or have handwritten notes everywhere. One other secret I share is if an email is something like a video or something I want to watch later in time, I’ll typically stick that in a folder called the tickle folder. This is an open folder of things that I’ll eventually get to.

How do you stay organized in note investing?

So now I just curious how others stay organized throughout the week and do their tasks or to do lists? I know some people may use pipe drive. I use infusionsoft as well, which has tasked to it. But I primarily will stick to Yanado. I know some people use boomerang as well, which I used to use, which is another cool feature or app. So let me know what you do and how you get it to work and so forth. Be Interested and if anyone has any questions about any of the apps I use, I can do a quick video to show everyone a screenshot of my method and procedure. Thank you and have a good day.

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