Note Investing: Collateral Storage
Good morning everybody, Chris Seveney with 7E Investments and The Good Deeds Note Investing Podcast here with my morning drive. It’s Friday and I am tired today. I was up late last night trying to clean up some files, go through and make sure any deed recordings over the last month. I also was making sure we had proper insurance on properties. I also wanted to mention yesterday, talked about winterization. Today let’s talk a little bit about the other end of that spectrum, which is a loss of fire. I am not talking about on a property but possibly your office or your personal property where you keep all your files for your note investing business. Wherever you keep your files, make sure any important documents are kept in a fireproof safe. For me, with kids and working full time, I store my files with Orion financial group.
Why Outsource
For me as a full time worker and note investor, it is easier to keep everything with them. Why? because if my attorney needs an original deed or something for foreclosure I slow down the process. By the time I get to the Post Office and time spent, its easier for me to send Doreen at Orion an email to send it to Franco my attorney and its out that day.
They also do a lot of my deed recordings and collateral reviews as part of my note investing business. They make sure everything’s in order and for me it’s just another added belt and suspenders. But I think it’s something well worth having, using someone like Orion isn’t necessary, but for me is my preference.
Today is also start off Scott Carson’s virtual note buying workshops. So if you’re participating in that, have fun. It’s a great course to really start getting into some of the nuts and bolts on note investing. Thank you and have a good day.