Note Investing And Buying Bankruptcy Loans

Note Investing And Buying Bankruptcy Loans

  As much as we may hate to think about bankruptcy, it’s probably something we’re going to see a lot of soon once all of these COVID restrictions get lifted. This is because many people who have equity in properties over the last couple of years and those who may...
Exploring The World Of Note Investing Events 

Exploring The World Of Note Investing Events 

  Nothing beats getting real-life advice on real estate than attending events where like-minded investors gather to share their hard-earned wisdom and experiences. Unfortunately, with the pandemic going on, it has become tough to find these events. In this...
Investing In Seconds With Dominic Silvestri

Investing In Seconds With Dominic Silvestri

  Note investing may already be a niche space when it comes to real estate, but second-lien notes are an even narrower niche within that niche. For a first-time investor to find themselves in that space is quite rare, but that is what Detroit real estate...