
Leaving Your W2 To Chase Passive Income With Mike DeHaan

March 15, 2023




CWS 240 | Passive Income   You have a job and are earning, but are you living the lifestyle you want? Do you have the freedom to do what you want? In this episode, Lauren Wells welcomes Mike Dehaan, the host of the Collecting Keys Podcast, to share his journey in leaving his W2 without a plan to chase passive income to have the freedom to live the way he wants. After quitting his job, he was not breaking cash immediately, but Mike and his partner went all in. Mike’s eyes are on the hot market and go to the tertiary market because there are tons of tertiary markets compared to key markets. His approach with distressed sellers made a shift around what he does. Learn from Mike Dehaan, who owns 50 rental units and has $10M in real estate.

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Leaving Your W2 To Chase Passive Income With Mike DeHaan

Joining us now is Mike DeHaan. Mike quit his W-2 a few years ago with no plan. He tried a bunch of businesses, then got into flipping houses and rental properties to chase passive income. He started a wholesaling business at the beginning of 2020 to buy better deals. Now he owns 50 rental units valuing about $10 million in real estate. He makes more passive income now than he did at his W-2 job as a Boeing engineer. Welcome, Mike. Thanks for joining us. Something that resonated with me when I was looking at your bio is that 2020 wasn’t that long ago. As we talked about a little bit earlier, it’s a great time to start or maybe it’s not a great time to start. Can you talk about what went on when you left? Why did you leave your W-2? We will start there. That is always the key focal point in my story. I did things backward from how most people view it or expect to do it themselves. I grew up traditionally. I went to high school and college. When I was in college, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I went into Engineering mostly because I started college in 2009. The economy was terrible. I went to Gonzaga University here in Spokane. They have a high recruiting rate with jobs. It’s a pretty decent school. I went to my first job fair. There were seven companies there and they were all looking for engineers. I was like, “I guess I’m going to be an engineer then.” I was good at math and science and I wanted to be able to get employed. I struggled through school and hated it. I was always led with, “When I start working, I will get better.” It’s not how it works. I went into the workforce. I first started at a consulting company while I was there for a short span, and then I got a job at Boeing, which was the dream job. Very high pay and super cushy. You have all the good benefits. They have a two-week Christmas break and everything you could possibly want from a traditional corporate job. I will always remember the first day I walked into the facility I was working in. I was so excited. I pulled up and parked. I walked through the huge composite manufacturing facility I was working in. I went up to the office and it is dead silent. It’s like cubicle farms as far as the eye can see. I was like, “This is not for me at all.” I just signed a general contract for this job, so I was stuck there for a little bit. While I was there, I hated every second of it. I never had anything that I enjoyed. The one thing that I did enjoy about it was seeing the airplane manufacturing process. It is very fascinating, but the actual day-to-day work was terrible. While I was there, I started getting into financial independence and passive income. I started listening to podcasts and reading blogs. After a few years of that, I said, “I want to pursue this.” My Boeing job was draining me. I do not have the bandwidth to try to pursue it on the side. I decided I’m done with this. I had been saving money to pursue lean FIRE or whatever. I decided to jump and figure out what would happen next. There are a couple of other steps that went on in the middle there, but I will cut to it. In January 2018, I quit engineering and decided that I was going to do anything else. From there, there was a bunch of other stuff before I started buying houses. I can go into more detail with all of that. I would love to see what went in between you quitting and your starting to buy houses. What was that period filled with? When I first left, my thought was I wanted to go back to school and get into physical therapy. I have always had an interest in health and fitness. I competed at a high level in Olympic weightlifting recreationally for years. I was coaching that as a moonlighting job while I was at Boeing. I said, “I would like to make that full-time.” I went and got a job at a PT clinic and did that for a month. I was like, “This is even worse than engineering.” It’s like an insurance farm where you are churning people to it and you are not helping people. What I did is I spent the next year working at a gym as a coach and I drove for Uber. That was what I did. I dabbled in different things and started reading a lot of business books. I and my wife decided to take a little bit of a dip into the savings that we had set aside for our emergency fund and we went to New Zealand. We traveled around for a month to find myself or whatever. That helped me solidify that I wanted to have a lifestyle where I could take trips like that more often. What became the goal was how I can create a business that would allow me to have that freedom of time and the ability to travel and do what I wanted. I read a lot of books about wealth generation and passive income generation. Real estate comes up in everything that I read. I was like, “How do I make real estate the thing?” I didn’t have a real estate background. I didn’t want to do renovations on properties. That’s what led to it a little bit. You didn’t go directly from quitting your job to real estate. It took from that and something people who are maybe exiting college or looking for their first job, intern, or job shadow someone to see. You think you want to do something like, “If I’m an engineer, it will be better once I’m out of engineering school.” I wanted to go be an attorney when I first started. Luckily, I went through the LSAT class and I was like, “I would love law school but I would hate being an attorney.” I love what you did going for PT saying, “This is not what I thought of when I thought that I’m going to do what my passion is.” I feel like there are a couple of themes. Something you said in the beginning was, “This isn’t the way most people do it,” but I would disagree. I feel like there are two types of people and it all depends on the responsibilities that you have and your personality type. There are people that will leave it all and have to do that in order to commit and not feel like they have this safety net to fall back on, and are super committed to whatever that next play is, and then there are people that can build both. I am the former, so I resonate with you, but there are people who can do both. You went into real estate. You read all the books and did all the things, how did you decide to go into flipping, wholesaling, and all of that? What was your first step and how did you decide that? Originally, all I knew was that I did not want to do renovations. That’s what I said to myself. I was like, “I have never used a power tool. I had never swung a hammer at the time.” I was uneducated so I didn’t understand that you hire a contractor for that. I was like, “If I’m going to flip a house, I got to learn how to make kitchen cabinets. I don’t want to do that.” I was like, “I want passive income. That was my goal.” I started looking at rental properties that were nearby and I wanted to find stuff that was easy. It was in the neighborhood. It’s very nearby where my wife and I lived. There were these new construction homes that were going up. I started doing the math and I was like, “This is a great neighborhood. If I buy these for the price that they want, the mortgage expense is going to be $1,100. I will probably be able to rent them for $1,600 or $1,700. I’m going to make $1,500, $1,000, or $1,100 a month just like that. It’s going to be so easy.” I liquidated my corporate 401(k) from Boeing. I am similar to you. Maybe because my parents were self-employed, the whole company 401(k) was a very new concept to me when I worked in tech. I liquidated mine and I feel like it was very much the unpopular opinion. Today, that investment has paid dividends in the valuation of the property. It’s interesting and another not super popular thing to do. For the audience, your 401(k) is a great investment. To each their own but I always look at it as something like, “Is there something that it can do more? If I’m pulling it out, is there a better investment that I’m making and putting it into?” I’m not saying pull it out because you want to go on a trip. If you can pull it out and have a good reason for why, it makes sense. That’s valid and you are right. It was a very unpopular opinion when I did it. I talked to many people that were like, “The taxes and penalties.” For me, it was a middle finger to the corporate world because I hated it so much. It was the last remaining thing, especially because of how the Boeing corporate 401(k) was structured, I couldn’t transfer it to another IRA provider. I had to keep it there. I would always get these correspondences from Boeing in my inbox and I would always get these letters and I was so salty with it. I wanted that to stop. I made a rash decision, but I also wanted to get into these properties and I couldn’t sacrifice the safety net that my wife and I put together because, at that point, I wasn’t making money. In 2017, I made $130,000 with my wife’s salary and mine on top of that. In 2018, when I was working for Uber and I was a coach, I made $17,000. My salary was reduced by 90%. I could not take my safety net and put it into these properties. I had this 401(k) and I said, “This is where that money needs to come from.” I asked it. I got into these rental properties. The mortgage payment was about what I expected. I threw them up on the market for $7,000. Nobody wants them because the prices are too high. It was a pipe dream. I ended up leasing them for a few hundred dollars less than that, and then I realized I would have to have property management if I want to do that. I have vacancies so I have these months when it’s not getting filled. I learned that you are supposed to have reserves for these things. It wasn’t even on my radar because I was taking massive action and trying to figure it out afterward. That ate a huge chunk of my capital but I was still having a little bit of money coming in. It started giving me the bug. I was like, “How can I use this model to produce more income?” I hear about people flipping houses. How could I potentially do this where I’m going to partner with people? At this point, I was bought into real estate. I’m like, “I have never swung a hammer.” I started going to meetups. If you go to meetups long enough, you become a face that people recognize. You talk about having goals and ambitions. I connected with somebody who was equally ignorant of the process. They had money and I had time. I was like, “Let’s start flipping some houses,” so we started flipping houses together. If you go to meetups long enough, you become a face that people recognize. Share on X They would bring the cash. It’s like the definition of using other people’s money. We would get a hard money loan together. I would do the project, and then we split the deal 50/50. That was ultimately how I got started in the off-market real estate process. That was in the late-2018 to the early-2019 range. In 2019, we flipped four properties. The first property took us four months and I made $4,500. Lots of lessons learned there on what not to do. It was a very low-income per-hour education. With each one, we got a little bit better. By the end of 2019, I had become a regular buyer or I was regularly inquiring about properties from wholesalers. There was the larger wholesaler in town who decided he was going to have a meetup for the cool kids. He brought all of the more serious folks out to do a meetup. It was mostly to build this buyer’s list and all sorts of those things. I met all the people that I had been buying from or inquiring from in person. I was like, “These guys aren’t that much smarter than me. I’m pretty sure that I could do what they do.” In November 2019, I decided I was going to be a wholesaler and I started getting into the off-market game at that point. You entered wholesaling right before COVID. Let’s talk about that. Prior to us starting the interview, I was like, “It’s probably the best time to get into it,” and you are like, “Or not.” Tell me about some of the pros and cons of starting your wholesaling business and then 3 to 4 months later, the world drastically shifted and property values skyrocketed. They skyrocketed. In 2021 was when stuff started to get weird. We’d already been operating going into 2020. When I decided that I was going to do this, it was about Thanksgiving. I had my business partner who was my best friend from college. He had a strong interest in real estate. He owned a couple of rentals. He had money and I did not. The arrangement was like, “I will figure out how to do this thing if you can help seed fund it.” We decided to go into this endeavor together. We joined a mastermind that helped us build the foundation of our business. That is still the core of what we run now. We are still actively involved in that group. That has been the best dollar-for-dollar investment that we have ever made. We joined that and start getting the momentum going. Do you mind mentioning whose mastermind? It was Ryan Dossey. He has a group called Create Cash Flow. He’s big on Instagram and those things. He’s one of the few folks out there who legitimately practices what he preaches. It has been a great program. I would recommend this to people that are interested in getting into this. We built up the foundation for it. We started marketing off-market in February 2020. I will always remember the first day that our mail and stuff started hitting. We didn’t have our system tracked and set up fully to receive phone calls. Ryan Dossey of Create Cash Flow is one of the few who legitimately practice what they preach. Share on X My phone was blowing up every hour or every couple of hours from people that were so pissed off that we are marketing. No one wanted anything to do with us like, “F you” and all this stuff you normally get. Anyone that has done off-market real estate knows what I’m talking about. The crazy thing was I remember my business partner and I were so excited. We are like, “It works.” People are calling us. There has to be somebody in here that wants to sell their deal. That was February. In March, we sent out our next batch of mail. We spent $5,000. It was on March 12th, 2020 right before the world shut down. We sent $5,000 and went out. We didn’t get a single call to flush that down the toilet. That was a big issue. At that point, I remember me and my business partner sitting in a coffee shop. It was right before everything fully closed. It was the last day before all restaurants and everything are closed. He was like, “I think we are done.” I’m like, “Just keep putting the money in and we will figure it out.” We decided to go all in. With COVID, it was always an interesting situation because you couldn’t meet people in person. You build rapport like that. It was a lot of stuff over the phone. It was a lot of learning how to do due diligence from your house. It was very challenging to learn because there weren’t a lot of people that were teaching that yet. It was extremely beneficial in the long term because it allowed us to build the fully virtual business that we have now because we were forced to. We did that. It took us about 4 months and $30,000 worth of spend before we finally got our first deal. We were in the hole pretty big. That’s super important to note too. Going back, you mentioned, “I only made $17,000. I wasn’t quitting my job and breaking cash immediately.” I think that’s important to say you put a lot of cash into it before you started seeing a potential deal come through. For a timeline on this, from when I left my corporate job at Boeing to when I signed my first wholesale deal was two and a half years. It’s a very long period of time. It was from early-2019 to the middle of 2020. We were $30,000 in the hole. We got our first deal. We had a buyer that we had been expecting to sell stuff. We were trying to get a $15,000 fee. The guy beat us down and said, “I can only do $7,500.” We are like, “That’s fine. We will take it. Here’s the deal.” The guy proceeded to vacuum the carpet, throw it on the market, and made $85,000. We had a big lesson learned there of making sure there were analyzing opportunities. We went through it over the next couple of months. That was in June. In the next couple of months, we did a few more deals. In October, we had our first six-figure month all for wholesale deals. October 31st is my birthday and I turned 30. My parents were out for my 30th birthday. I was hanging out with them. I remember sitting with them and I was like, “I think my life has officially changed.” We made $114,000 in a month. That’s what I used to make as an engineer in a year. There’s no way that I can explain that to anyone because it was such a surreal feeling. We took that money and piled it into the business. We have scaled significantly since then. There are two things that come into play with real estate. You need deals and you need capital. There are people out there who are the deal bringers and the work behind it, and there are the people who are the capital, and then you have a combo of both and some people. I love that you partnered with someone and you have that strategic partnership that benefited you both. He had the capital. You had the knowledge to make this work. That is something that when people are looking to get into it, you don’t have to do it all alone. You are probably not going to be able to do it all alone. You are better if you can find a good counterpart to work with you. It was actually a she that I partnered with at the start. I like to give credit there because it’s such a male-dominated world. She was awesome. I want her on the show. It’s like, “How do I explain this to people?” You did all the hard work and everything, that’s how it happens. When something like that happens and you have that record-breaking month, it’s like you’re a-ha moment like, “I can’t go back.” You were two and a half years committed to getting your first deal. Once you have that moment of, “This will change my life,” how do you explain that to people? It’s weird. When it has only happened once, you don’t know if it’s a fluke or not. We were very intentional. When we made that money, we were going to be disciplined about not taking draws because we had a bigger picture. Our goals were always to buy as many doors. Wealth generation was the ultimate goal of this thing. We already recognized that you can produce a bunch of revenue from wholesaling and flipping. You are going to get wrecked by taxes. That’s not going to lead to the freedom that we both wanted.
CWS 240 | Passive Income

Passive Income: You can produce a bunch of revenue from wholesaling and flipping. You are going to get wrecked by taxes. That’s not going to lead to freedom.

  When we got into off-market real estate, our goal was not to wholesale. It was to buy discounted properties and do the BRRRR method. Once we got into that, especially when COVID happened, financing got weird. All of a sudden, the turn rate on BRRRR properties was long. We would get these opportunities that came in that we couldn’t take down. We start wholesaling those. As we built out that process, we went to the properties that we don’t want. We just wholesale those and then we keep the stuff that we like. For us, that’s A-class single families and multifamilies. That’s what we built our portfolio in. Because we were wholesaling as a large volume, the turn rate on that money is so quick. We would make 50% of what we could have made if we flipped it, but it would take 3 weeks instead of 4 months. The velocity of your money is extremely high. We would wholesale all these properties and we would dump more of those into rental properties. That allowed us to build a lot of the wealth and success that I now carry into this period where the market has turned. I know a lot of people, especially in 2021, who were wholesaling everything. You could get a lead on a cardboard box sitting on the corner and you could sell that to somebody. I’m in California so yes, you could, and for a crazy amount. That was our model. Going forward to 2021, we started to scale. It was 58 deals. I personally had my first 6 to 7-figure a year in 2021 after making $18,000 three years before that. We bought a ton of our properties that year. We benefited very greatly from the market. I can’t lie about that but we did. Going into 2022, our plan was to try and scale outside of our local market because we had saturated it. We measured all of our KPIs and we were at a phase where the dollars that were going into marketing were leading to lesser and lesser returns. We said, “How can we start doing this in Midwest markets and into other places?” We started doing that and had some good success. As that started to build, we started to get recognition and traction from other investors. That led to a big part of our business now, which is the vertical integration with our wholesaling business, which is a wholesale for hire. It is a marketing and sales business where if you want to find off-market deals in your market but you don’t want to do any of the back work, you hire us. We come and we launch a branch in your market. You pay us a monthly fee to run it. We get a very small portion of the deals and then you get all of the upsides. We run your data, marketing, sales, and everything before the signed contract we are in charge of. You can have a turnkey business that launches in a couple of weeks instead of doing what we did and spending six months trying to figure it out. That sounds perfect for someone who doesn’t want to leave their day job and has the money to pay you to do all that upfront. You are capitalizing on, “I’m good at doing the work and knowing what needs to be done. I have this great system.” You’re finding the people who are stuck in their day job and don’t love it but can’t leave. They have the money but want to leave, and then they can find you. When you decided to expand outside your area or your market, which is where you were familiar with or where you live, what were your criteria when you were looking? We try to find a hot market and go to a tertiary area. For example, if you are going to Austin, Texas. That’s a very hot market. Everyone knows that. If I said, “I’m going to try to wholesale in Austin, Texas,” everyone is like, “That’s crazy. No way you are going to do that.” If I say, “I’m starting up a wholesale operation in Round Rock,” Round Rock is about twenty minutes from downtown Austin. What happens is you start targeting there. We try to find these little pockets of areas that are close enough to key hot areas where there will be a strong interest, but not so on the map that everyone that has ever listened to BiggerPockets episodes is going to go there. Instead of Knoxville, we do Naperville and some of these other little towns. We started doing some stuff in Chicago. We started working in some of the suburbs, Aurora, Fairfield, and these different areas that no one has ever heard of because they are an hour or 45 minutes away from Chicago. People that are going to be our end buyers are like, “I will buy a house in Aurora. That sounds great,” but you don’t have all the other virtual wholesalers that are trying to get deals there. The great thing too is there are a ton more markets like that versus the key markets. I always go on these shows and people like, “You are giving away your markets.” I’m like, “There are tons of them. There are tertiary markets everywhere.” There are 100 million houses in the United States. There are tons of opportunities. What would you say are some of the things you wished you had done differently starting out? One of the things I wish I had done differently was to focus more on the sales and the rapport-building side of the business. That’s the reason that we struggled to start. Both I and my partner were engineering-minded. We would go into these different opportunities. We are focused on the house. We are a real estate business. We want to talk about the house. We are going to walk in with this seller. We are going to be like, “We are going to have to do the kitchen. We got to fix the mold in the bathroom,” and all these other things. This is why we can only offer you $130,000 for your $200,000 house. We did not talk to the seller about how her husband died or how her kid has a drug addiction and needs to get bailed out of jail, or about how she has a health problem and she can’t pay the health bills. Those are the things that get deals in the off-market space. What we would find is we were regularly losing out to people that were having those challenging conversations, and that was focused not on the deal, but on helping the individual that inquired. Wholesaling real estate is not a real estate business. It is a marketing and sales business and it’s a solutions business. There is so much time that goes into helping the individuals that are involved. We say distressed sellers. People that aren’t distressed see that as taking advantage of people. The stuff that we do and the people that we assist most of the time are in such a bind. It’s not that they don’t have any other options. They could go get a lawyer and those sort the things. They don’t have the means or the education to. We spend an incredible amount of time helping people with their dirty laundry. In the beginning, we didn’t approach stuff with that mentality. When we made that shift, a lot started to change.
CWS 240 | Passive Income

Passive Income: We spend an incredible amount of time helping people with their dirty laundry. In the beginning, we didn’t approach stuff with that mentality. When we made that shift, a lot started to change.

  We buy distressed mortgage notes so it’s a similar situation. Our goal is to work with the borrower to keep them in the property. A lot of the time, they don’t have the means, time, or wherewithal to go and figure out how to get out of their current situation. As I always say, larger institutions are in the business of creating debt, not managing the debt. We get a discount on the note, that’s why we are in this business, but we are able to work with them and say, “We can make something work for both of us and make it a win-win.” The whole business of finding the deals, sourcing the deals, and working on the deals stems from that ability to have good sales and marketing, and build rapport. I talk to a lot of people that are contractors or realtors, and they are doing this sort of thing. They want to get into this side of the business and they are not willing to put in the time to sit with the seller at their coffee table and talk about their problems that are going on. They are not willing to spend the time to talk to their attorney to figure out why the probate situation is such a mess. We have had to do things like there are four next of kin, and we are only talking to one. The other three aren’t even around. We discovered that two of them are dead. The other one now lives in West Virginia. We have to track her down on Facebook. We talked about the situation and convince her that it was not a scam. We call the title company. We go through all this stuff. We do these things all the time. There’s so much detective work. That’s why we are able to make such good money. It’s because there’s a process to it. Every deal is different, but that’s also why we can make a house where a realtor isn’t going to be bothered because you are going to make $4,000. We can have that same deal and we are going to make $40,000 because there’s a lot more of a challenge that goes into getting each one done. We are in a much different economic climate than we were when you were entering real estate and getting started. If you were to lose it all now or start over or you left your job, what would be your play now having that real estate background? Would it still be wholesaling? Would you look into a different avenue? What would be your play at this time in this environment with your knowledge? It would be the same thing. My plans for exit strategy would be a little bit different. When I started, my whole philosophy was if you find a deal, buyers will find you. It’s so true. Back in 2019 and 2020, that was the case. If you had a deal, people would raise their hands. Now, with interest rates being weird, you have had some people that have gotten bit by some projects, and the real estate bug has faded. You need to do things backward. We have some group coaching stuff that we do. We always coach people, “If you don’t know what to do, find your good buyers first. Find the people that are still flipping markets in the turnover economy. Find good realtors with a lot of investor clients, and negotiate your deals based on what they are looking for. That eliminates a lot of the risk and the guesswork from signing stuff around and not being able to find a buyer.” That’s how I would focus on this business. At the core of it, I would do the same because what we have built in the whole marketing sales process is an extremely valuable asset whether you want a wholesaler or not. If you want to syndicate multifamily properties, you can use the same processes. If you want to buy distressed notes, I’m sure there’s very similar stuff that we could do to target distressed note holders. It’s a little bit more complicated because you have to work with the institutions. There are ways that you can identify properties so you know which institutions you can talk to. Learning how to build a marketing and sales funnel like that is extremely valuable in everyone’s real estate business. It is something that you should consider in some capacity. It’s focusing less on a specific deal and more on the business aspect of it instead of focusing on, “How am I going to get this property? How am I going to make my return? How am I going to that passive income?” There’s so much more that goes into getting to that point. It’s great that you highlight that. I always like to ask this question at the end of the show. If you were to give our audience a piece of advice who are looking to get started. Maybe they have consumed 10,000 hours of content from the podcast, BiggerPockets, books, and all that. They have a day job or they don’t have a day job, but they are looking to get started. What would you say would be the number one action step you would take or tell them to take? I’d tell them to find a coach. If they are somebody that is educated and they are having issues pulling the trigger, find a coach. Find someone to keep you accountable. When I say find a coach, don’t go to one of those things where they bring you into a conference room and they are like, “I’m going to take your credit card right here.” That’s nonsense. Find people out there, and they have them for every niche that you feel you vibe with as a person, you like the style of business that they are running, and you want to be like them. Even if they don’t offer to coach, reach out to them and see if they would be willing to help you out. Here’s something else for you. People that have a public sphere like the persona they put out. Even if they don’t offer to coach, they are doing that because they want you to interact with them. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people. Even now, my podcast has started to grow and everyone always DMs me and they are like, “I’m so sorry for bothering you.” I’m like, “Do you think that I am doing this because I don’t want you to interact with me.” It doesn’t make any sense. It’s like, “Don’t bother me. I’m putting myself out there so don’t talk to me.” It doesn’t make any sense. That’s a good point that no one has ever brought up, but it’s so true. I always go on these podcasts and I’m like, “Here’s my email. Reach out directly.” I wouldn’t be on a podcast if I didn’t want to communicate with people or hear if someone has a question. Especially in the real estate space, it’s not like we are an Instagram model trying to get likes. I don’t have the face for that. It’s not how it works. A lot of real estate people are putting the time into creating any presence that they are on your radar. Reach out to them and see how you could potentially do some stuff together. Especially for the analysis paralysis folks, that is a great way to get over that hump. A lot of people get into that. Especially now that there’s so much real estate education content out there. There are so many people that are professionals in real estate, but they haven’t done anything. It’s because they haven’t been pushed off the ledge yet. Some so many people are professionals in real estate, but they haven't done anything. It's because they haven't been pushed off the ledge yet. Share on X I love that. Thank you so much for joining us. If people wanted to reach out or connect with you, how would they do that? I have my own show. It’s called the Collecting Keys Podcast. You should go and give that a listen. We do three shows a week. We do interviews on Monday. On Wednesday, I and my business partner do a talking shop, talking more about the business. Chris and I were talking about you guys. Three podcasts a week is next level. I remember he was like, “He does one and his business partner does one and then they do one together.” I was like, “Every week. Bravo.” Go give that a listen, guys. That’s some good work. Thank you. If you want to know the secrets to getting ahead of your interviews, we batch a ton of them over two weeks, which pushes out a couple of months. It’s a lot easier to maintain going into the future. Collecting Keys is the name of that podcast. You can go and find it anywhere you listen to podcasts. Besides that, the best way to connect with me directly is on Instagram. It’s @Mike_Invests. One of my goals was to do 300 Instagram posts, so I’m doing my best to try and make regular content. How many are you at now? I have missed a total of eleven days for the year. However, many that is. You got a lot to go. I am. I’m counting the days I missed. It’s counting the 65 and then counting the 300. Shoot me a DM on there. I’m always happy to chat with people. Don’t apologize if you DM me, I’m doing this because I want you to reach out. Thank you, Mike, for joining us. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in to this episode. If you enjoyed the show, share it with a friend, subscribe, reach out to us, or leave a review. Until next time. Thank you.  

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About Mike DeHaan

CWS 240 | Passive IncomeThis is a tiny box but short version: Quit my W2 with no plan. Tried a bunch of businesses then got into flipping houses/rental properties to chase “passive income”. Started a direct to seller/wholesale business beginning of 2020 to buy better deals, now own 50 rental units, about $10m in real estate, and make more in passive cashflow than I used to as a Boeing engineer.

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