The backdrop
When investing in real estate such as commercial properties, income comes from sources such as rents or rising value of the underlying asset, rather than a fluctuating stock price. In September, stocks swiftly retreated because of rising interest rates and inflation, with investors abandoning hope that slow economic growth would encourage the Federal Reserve to ease interest rate hikes. Inflation rose in August at an even greater than expected level. The personal consumption expenditures price index excluding food and energy rose 0.6% for August, after being flat in July, faster than the 0.5% Dow Jones estimate, another indication that inflation is rising. Investors often flock to real estate during times of high inflation. Typically rising prices increase the replacement cost of commercial property, raising the value of your hard asset.
With 7e Investments you get some of the benefits of investing in real estate while helping struggling families.
7e works in a niche portion of the real estate market, non-performing mortgage notes. By focusing on this small and resource-intensive subsector, we are able to achieve our double bottom line, potential high monthly returns for investors, and keeping struggling families in their homes.
We do the hard work
We purchase under- or non-performing mortgage notes at a 40-50% discount, assume the role of lender in the mortgage agreement, then negotiate a new, more reasonable monthly payment plan with the borrower (read: homeowner). Income from investments with us is not dependent on the ever changing prices in the stock or bond market, but rather the ability of borrowers to get put back on a stable payment plan and pay their mortgages. We perform a high level of due diligence to individually investigate every borrower, property, and mortgage note that we purchase. This makes us a highly strategic investment in times like these. According to one investor, “I replaced all of my bond funds investing with 7E. My returns are improved, I believe my risk level is reduced, and I know we aren’t evicting people who slipped up and genuinely can and want to pay their mortgage and own their home.”
We target a return of 8% annualized (distributed monthly). Plus, with our bonus shares program your annualized return could be boosted to over 10%. See the chart below to learn how much monthly income you could be making:
If you are ready to invest, or simply want to learn more, please visit our offering page. Here you can also read our SEC-qualified offering circular.
Feel free to check out our video introduction to mortgage note investing on our YouTube Channel–and please subscribe while you are there.